Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Color Pencil Supply List

This is the list of basic supplies you'll need if you're attending one of my color pencil classes. The drawing paper, tracing paper and instructions are included as part of your tuition.

In addition to these supplies, you'll need project supplies, such as specific pencil colors and other items. All class projects are posted on this site and include a list of items needed.

Click here for a printable shopping list or click the links to purchase the items online.

  1. Prismacolor® wax based pencils
    The more colors the better! While there are other brands of artist-quality color pencils, the Prismacolor® brand has a high wax content and are easy to blend. You can purchase them in sets or one at a time, as needed for class projects.
  2. Prismacolor® colorless blender
    This is a clear wax pencil that is used to blend colors.
  3. Pencil sharpener
    A small hand sharpener is recommended for use with Prismacolor® pencils. You need one with metal blades. Good brands include Kum®, Prismacolor®, and Staedtler®. If you get one that allows you to replace the blades, it can last a good long time.

    A battery-operated electric pencil sharpener is also convenient to have. It sharpens new pencils quickly, but it can also over-sharpen pencils, eating up your color pencil too fast. If you get an electric sharpener, the type with a revolving barrel is much better than the type with blades. Good brands include ____. 
  4. Kneaded Eraser
    This is gray and wrapped in cellophane. It's stretchy and malleable.
  5. "Sticky Stuff"
    This is your basic wall tack, wall putty, Tac-it, or whatever else it is called. It's the stuff you stick posters to the wall with. It's used to remove pencil lines and lighten color. Don’t get the white kind, it gets mixed up with your kneaded eraser too easily. I like blue the best.
  6. Artist Tape/Drafting tape
    This is a low-tack tape, usually white in color. It is used to tape your paper to your work board.
  7. Wide, soft brush
    Having two is better. These keep paper surfaces and newly sharpened pencils clean. Very important! Can be a cheap brush, but must be soft, and wide enough to do some good.
  8. Work board
    A board to support your work. I like foam core, masonite or plexiglass. Keep it lightweight but rigid. Size depends on personal preference and if you work flat or at an angle. Smaller boards are easier to handle. Larger ones can be leaned against the table to work at an angle.
  9. Gel Super Glue
    It's very important that it is GEL. This is for gluing broken pencil leads and old pencils to new ones. I recommend Loctite® Super Glue Control Gel.
  10. Container
    A container of some kind for your supplies. 

Optional supplies, but nice to have:
  1. Electric Eraser
    While not absolutely necessary, an electric eraser can save you a lot of time and energy. I prefer Sakura® brand. The Staedtler® brand is adequate for beginners but not quite as versatile.  
  2. Pencil extender
    This is nice to have to make short pencils more usable.
  3. Retractable X-acto knife
    This is NOT the basic knife you can get at the grocery store. This one has a tiny, rectangular blade that retracts.
  4. A good light source
    Ott light is good; there are others. Full spectrum light is best for seeing true color.

If you're working on your own, outside of class, you'll also need:
  1. Paper
  2. Tracing Paper

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